An update on life... I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and Adam's taken on more hours at Mountainworks. I'm unable to get a new job yet, due to crappy mental circumstances, but I'm taking on more dog walking clients now, so at least it will mean a little more extra cash then we otherwise would have had. I've started my own company, called Fairy Tails. Cute, huh? I'm a professional Pet Sitter and Dog Walker now. Due to the superfluous nature of my job, I can charge exorbitant amounts. :)
Skeet and Gypsy are rather mellow today, actually sleeping next to each other on the same couch, which is a rare occurrence. They get along pretty well, but Skeet is fairly particular about his sleeping arrangements. Mango was pretty good today, with minor headaches for me, which is good. He slept on top of my monitor while I surfed the net (I'm so hip with the computer jargon! :P) and didn't chew any important papers up. Both Key and Cloud have died. Key was put to sleep after her tumors were so bad she couldn't walk, and we figured it was time. Cloud died about two weeks after. She had a small tumor, but it was losing Key that did it for her, I think. I still miss them, but it doesn't hurt so much anymore.
Starting next month I'm taking a lace tatting class. As boring as that may sound to some people, it's very exciting for me. I've also finally learned how to knit, so hopefully I'll be able to make knitted things as well as crocheted stuff.
I know that it's not the New Year yet or anything, but I'm going to make a couple of resolutions right now. I figure they're just as binding as the ones that you make on New Year's Day, anyway. I'm going to blog more often, as well as finally add some more stuff to my online shop. My crocheted hats I'm going to try and get sold here in Provo, though, on consignment. I won't tell you where yet, because the owner might not agree, but the owner's wife is excited about it, so I think it will happen! We all know that the wives run everything, anyway! Heehee...
Journal: Sac Meeting Talk "CHANGES"
5 years ago
You go girl! You learn that tatting and tat to your heart's content! LOL! Way to go by not worrying how "boring" that sounds to some people. There are many, many people who love the art of tatted lace.
you get paid for being with animals???...
thats like the next best thing to ..not workin at all,,,,... :D :P
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