Saturday, December 27, 2008

My New Nephew!

I have a nephew! His name is Jonathan Ansom Rytting. This is the best picture I've got so far. It's pretty fuzzy because it's off of Skype using a computer camera. He's only a few days old. He was due on the 20th of December, but he was born on the 22nd. My sister Megan and her husband Anton are very happy, and very tired already!

Friday, December 26, 2008


This is a cool praying mantis that I found tangled in a web. He was still alive, but fairly weak, so I snapped off a few pictures before putting him in a bush. Isn't he cute?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gypsy and Me, Again

This is Gypsy and me cuddling, and a picture of her in a box she found on the floor. We cuddle a lot, and I have tons of pictures of us. I also have tons of pictures of her on and in things. She looooves boxes! She doesn't do anything in them, just sits. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
A side note: I'm not terribly happy with our kitties right now. I was bringing in groceries, and neglected to feed them before I put the groceries away. I went to sit on the couch, and found that one of the cats (we're not sure which) had managed to pee on the following: my leather coat, a cashmere scarf, our plaid wool blanket from Scotland, and the cushion itself. The cushion cover is currently in the wash, but we will have a hefty dry cleaning bill. Pppthh.

A Wet Mango

Mango has discovered that if he flips the top off of the fish's filter, he can dip his head in and take a bath! Of course, he only really gets his head wet, but I doubt he realizes it. I'm not sure how the fish feel about this, but Mango just thinks it's the bee's knees. The cats also have caught onto this, but they drink the water rather than bathe in it. I can't understand this one. At least for Mango it's a warm bath, but actually drinking the fishy water?

Kreeter's Laid Back

We walked into our bedroom one day to find Skeet laying on his back, head on the pillow. I ran to get the camera, but I don't think he appreciated his picture getting taken!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

At Mountainworks

I get in random moods to take pictures. I have files full of self-portraits and pictures of the cats, and quite a few of Adam. Here's one of Adam at work, and me visiting him! I made him take a picture of me. I love this outfit...