Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gypsy and Me, Again

This is Gypsy and me cuddling, and a picture of her in a box she found on the floor. We cuddle a lot, and I have tons of pictures of us. I also have tons of pictures of her on and in things. She looooves boxes! She doesn't do anything in them, just sits. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
A side note: I'm not terribly happy with our kitties right now. I was bringing in groceries, and neglected to feed them before I put the groceries away. I went to sit on the couch, and found that one of the cats (we're not sure which) had managed to pee on the following: my leather coat, a cashmere scarf, our plaid wool blanket from Scotland, and the cushion itself. The cushion cover is currently in the wash, but we will have a hefty dry cleaning bill. Pppthh.

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